Every year, millions and millions of people in America discover they are dealing with the discomfort from gum disease. While the symptoms may differ among each person, inflamed gums are a fair indicator that something is wrong. With a lot of treatment choices available, one that is becoming increasingly popular is the use of CBD for gum disease. To find out more about the connection between CBD and dental health, find out how this organic product can help you fight gum disease. 


Fighting Periodontal Diseases With Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD research provides fundamental evidence that the ancillary use of cannabinoids (CBD) supports the treatment of periodontal gum diseases. Dental gum diseases are constant disorders of the periodontium, and many modalities exist to fight, lower, and prevent these oral dental issues. A new and emerging procedure, however, cannabidiol (CBD) may help lessen the inflammatory response connected with this chronic dental disease.

CBD decreases inflammation, encourages healthy bacteria to develop, and helps to restore gum health. As one of the most natural ways to improve your oral health, CBD is not only an anti-inflammatory but also an antibacterial and antifungal substance that stimulates bone growth, increases blood flow, and stimulates tissue healing.

Other added benefits of CBD oil are:

It prevents cavities Reduces the chances of developing tooth decay Lessens the risk of gum disease It accelerates healing and recovery time Assists in creating balance within the body

what does the research say about CBD oil for gum disease?

CBD Oil for Gum Disease

Nearly half of adults over 30 are living with some form of periodontal disease, a condition in which the tissues that support your teeth are infected and inflamed. Some people are turning to cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. CBD has been researched as a potential treatment for everything from anxiety to epilepsy to chronic pain.

So what does the research say about CBD oil for gum disease?

Gum disease is an infection of the gums caused by plaque—accumulated bacteria around the teeth. To prevent and reverse gum disease, you have to get the plaque and bacteria under control. CBD may provide some help here; however, more research is needed to determine if CBD oil is an effective treatment for gum disease. While it won't likely cure gum disease, CBD may help with certain symptoms and effects like pain relief while reducing inflammation. For instance:

  • CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties
  • CBD has been shown to have pain-inhibiting properties
  • CBD has been shown to have antibacterial and antiseptic properties
  • CBD has been shown to reduce plaque colonies
  • CBD has been shown to help with anxiety

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties of CBD

    Although much of the research on CBD oil has not focused specifically on gum disease, the anti-inflammatory qualities of CBD oil may be useful in addressing minor tooth decay, toothaches, tooth sensitivity, and swollen gums—all of which can be caused or exacerbated by inflammation.
    It's also important to note that gum inflammation can spread to other parts of the body. Bacteria from the gums can enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation elsewhere, including in the heart. So anti-inflammatory effects of CBD may help soothe more than just the gums and teeth.

    CBD Fights Bad Bacteria in the Gums

    A growing body of research reveals that cannabidiol may be a natural antibiotic. Studies have shown that CBD fights even highly resistant bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Clostridioides difficile. In addition to common bacteria, researchers have found that CBD may also weaken and kill a range of microorganisms including fungi and viruses, which could mean good things for gum disease sufferers.

    Dentists commonly prescribe antibiotics to fight the bacteria responsible for gum disease. While this type of treatment usually needs to be complemented with scaling, root planing and other procedures, the antibiotics alone can go a long way toward slowing and helping to reverse gingivitis and more serious periodontal diseases. Some studies have gone so far as to declare CBD as effective as tetracycline, azithromycin and other leading antibiotics; however more research is needed before we can definitively deem it as such.

    How to Use CBD Oil for Gum Disease

    CBD Fights Bad Bacteria

    There are many ways to take CBD oil, including tinctures, gummies, topicals, and even teas. The classic form of CBD is a tincture: Just place a couple of drops under the tongue and let the oil absorb into the bloodstream. Still, the optimal dosage and delivery system may depend on what you're trying to achieve with CBD.

    Best Way to Use CBD to Treat Inflamed Gums

    While any oral CBD product may provide some level of pain, anxiety, or inflammation relief, not every delivery system is ideal for localized treatment (e.g. gum disease). Your best bet is to start an oral care regimen using CBD toothpaste & mouthwash. One study even concluded that CBD mouthwash may be as effective as a prescription oral rinse for killing bacteria. While the research was industry-sponsored, it reinforces much of what we already know about the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of CBD. Best of all, the process is as simple as replacing your existing toothpaste and mouthwash with the CBD variety. Use twice daily."

    Can CBD Oil Cure Gum Disease?

    There is no substitute for professional dental care, and gum disease is a serious condition that should not be ignored. If left untreated, gum disease can cause severe pain and bleeding gums; it can even lead to tooth loss. If you think you might have gum disease, don't delay! Consult a dentist today!

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